Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Sentient dogs and juvie seagull pleasures. 

These stones in this spot and this moment's float alone on in and out wash. 

Practice for when we're grown and time to dive for more than just the fought over trailing bladderwrack and plastic that could be crustacean shell bonus on the day.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Too long

So I knew about the demons you take with you.
Along with redefining need.
Here I am, here they are, here.
Coffee shop wisdom of youth,
humbling compassion turned to hear the care of a reckless friend who held on too long.
They new, he new, car crash inevitability looms unspoken.
Just so anyone reading into words knows,
I hold it because I couldn't land that dark spear down the centre.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Guilt and an eye for beauty
Romanticise rail yards and dirty cups dipped back over a song